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July Mid-Way Reflection
Mid-Way year reset

As I was scrolling through YouTube looking for something to watch on my daily treadmill session, I ran across a YouTube#short.  The video was part of a young woman’s lecture to a group,  and in it she quoted Viktor Frankl, not the above mentioned quote, but similar….it went something along the lines of “For people who think there’s nothing to live for and nothing more to expect from life, the question is getting these people to realize that life is still expecting something from them.”  Now, in looking for the *exact* quote from him, I couldn’t find it….but I did find this quote …  “The point is not what we expect from life, but rather what life expects from us.” The two quotes relay the same sentiment… we are being questioned by life every day…our right actions and right conduct matter.  Our existence matters in the world and it expects our individual gifts and talents to be used to contribute to life.  Viktor Frankl had this wisdom in the concentration camp, yet it strikes me as so applicable to life today.   

The year in reflection has been less than ideal so far in my case.  My father has been unwell, my spanish study has completely stopped, I haven’t been eating well, and my 10 year marriage fell apart.  I like to think I’m resilient and strong and can deal with, and overcome, a lot.  But it broke me.  All the stress and emotional turmoil took its toll.  The goals I had set for myself this year became unimportant.  I wasn’t able to put two thoughts together much less do anything above the activities of daily living.  I put on a brave face for my family, my kids, my friends.  But the reality was, and still is somewhat, I struggled to keep it together. 


Moving out of my house, making sure I see my parents on a regular basis and putting on a brave face for my kids… it was exhausting.  I have two adult boys, one still lives with me, and I worry about them and how this may effect them.  They have spent 10 years with this man as their step father, so it’s a loss for them as well.  Acting strong and happy for them is a facade – they can see right through it, but I feel it my responsibility to make sure everyone is okay and dealing with the break up in a healthy way.  What a hypocrite am I?  

I believe I was meant to come across this quote at this particular time in my life.  What does life expect from me?  It was necessary for there to be time for mourning and being sad, yes, of course.  And there will still be sad times, but I can’t let the sadness define me and derail me from the life I’m meant to live! 

The next chapter of my life begins today.  Life is meant to be lived, not watching it pass by.  My special gifts and talents WANT to be used, and finding out how and what that looks like is the exciting journey I’m embarking on. Will you join me? 

What does life expect from you? What individual gifts and talents is the world expecting from you?  In the last six  months of 2024 dig deep for the meaning of this question for you.  I’m confident you will answer in big, bold and extraordinary ways!  I can’t wait to hear about your discoveries, what they mean to you and how amazing your life becomes!  



  1. Joanne

    i just discovered you from watching one of your Nordstrom anniversary videos, and my heart went out to you re what you’re going through this year. I’ve since subscribed to your channel and have enjoyed several videos. Such great content. You have a wonderful personality. I also enjoy the Florida aspect since I live here too, in central florida. All the best to you.

    • Becky Medina

      OMGosh I can’t believe I didn’t see your message before, thank you so much for your kind words!!! I truly hope to get back to YouTube in the new year…this year has been crazy with the hurricanes, hasn’t it??!! I hope you and your family fared well through the storms!!! I’m still in reconstruction mode over here…Happy Holidays! And thank you again for your support and kindness! xo.